Our stopover in Bourke was just a one nighter, but boy we loved the red-tailed black cockatoos we saw there. This pair were real smoochers, and they were easy to find... If you happen to be in central Bourke, near the Port of Bourke Hotel, head across to the bakery and chances are the RTBCs will be congregating in the trees out the back. The fact that there were no leaves on the trees made our subjects more visible. Or continue a few metres towards the river, and they may be in the trees there, though less visible in the foliage. We took a short drive around town as we left next morning, and they were very visible and audible around the streets and in gardens. Here's a gallery of some of those we managed to capture. Click any image to enlarge. Our lovebirds were down by the river, very coy! We were so thrilled to see red-tailed black cockatoos in fine form and healthy numbers.
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September 2024